The Popular Russian Blogger And Roof-Topper Angela Nikolau Challenges


The most outrageous young lady as per the English media has climbed the vast majority of the world’s tallest and popular high rises and rooftops and is presently vanquishing new levels in world.

Angela Nikolau, a Moscow-based artist, blogger, photographer, and roof-topper is by all accounts effective in every one of the spheres that she’s taking up. 700k followers, Cartier photo shootings, personal art exhibitions, articles in world press (Cosmopolitan, Elle, The Times, Marketplace), featuring in motion pictures – these are one of the numerous things the little kid has figured out how to accomplish by her mid 20s. Just a month ago, in July 2022 she started making her works and grabbed the eye of top art gatherers and appraisers on, where she has previously become TOP 7 artists of the week, and her most recent assortment slid into Top 3 collections of the day. The daring artist posts photos of herself doing gymnastic tricks wearing dresses, bodysuits and high-heels on the world’s most perilous rooftops – no big surprise that such photos make a tremendous publicity around her persona. At the point when you take a gander at her photos – you can feel the entire range of feelings – from getting goosebumps to butterflies in your stomach and your heart skipping a bit.

Check Angela’s top art pieces on Foundation

The most recent couple of years were brimming with occasions and accomplishments for Angela – she has likewise featured in 2 documentary films – “On the edge of Freedom”, which is given to the topic of tracking down your inward freedom and getting away from exhausting reality and “Kto Je Dalsi”, which shows 3 genuine stories from Slovakia, Russia and Canada, one of them being a story around 2 popular roof-toppers attempting to move up a structure in a thermal energy station and furthermore overcome the young lady’s heart. Angela actually has a great deal of new forthcoming projects to shock her followers and admirers: the new film highlighting the fearless young lady will be delivered in 2023.

Angela herself depicts her roof climbing process as an essential game: you need to predict a ton of things ahead of time to arrive at the highest point and complete the level. Great roofers know how to quiet down a security canine by giving it some food, how to slip into the structure without being seen by the cameras and what is a priority in your pack to spend a few hours under the bubbling sun doing complex actual activity. During the actual interaction she is essentially as engaged as could be expected – while you’re facing such challenges, you would be wise to be controlling each and every muscle of your body. Be that as it may, the most troublesome thing as indicated by Angela isn’t doing every one of the tricks without a wellbeing rope (she never utilizes one) however trying not to be gotten by the protections or the police. Otherwise – you need to run quick! Be that as it may, once in a while in any event, for such an expert, issues with the police are unavoidable. On the president’s introduction day Angela and her boyfriend were vanquishing one of the great stations that was found directly before the Eiffel tower in Paris. Angela was wearing a delightful expressive dance skirt while climbing and her boyfriend was shooting a video from a robot when unexpectedly they saw a laser pointing at them. These were genuine expert sharpshooters down there and an entire police detachment was hanging tight for the folks on the ground, imagining that they were spies and had an arrangement against the French government. The youthful couple burned through a day and a half in jail, with no food or clean water, went through a progression of actual checks and examinations however at last got delivered with no serious allegations. Angela even figured out how to save the memory stick, losing which would have been the most exceedingly terrible thing to a roofer.

As of now when she was three years of age she realized she needed to be an artist – she started painting very early in life and later this aided her earn barely enough to get by while an understudy – she consolidated giving attracting examples to kids and the occupation of a legislative structure more clean. As a youngster she was likewise doing vaulting – that is where all her breath-catching tricks come from – yet she has consistently favored art to tumbling and figured out how to make it her calling, having gotten the essential higher schooling. She never put forth objectives for herself as a roofer – she doesn’t see it as a contest where you really want to move as numerous high rises or the most reliable structures. Roof-topping is to a greater degree a side interest that developed into something significant and groundbreaking. Be that as it may, concerning her art – she certainly views it in a serious way. As an artist she wants to make exceptional masterpieces and continually work on her abilities, to make her own style and to be incorporated into future drawing books with her figures and art works. She has previously made the most vital phases toward this path – and coordinated her most memorable personal artworks exhibition in Moscow, where she depicted adult issues, like ladies and LGBTQ+ people group issues, nature, and limitations inside our heads through a crystal of Lego toys.

Angela trusts that her way that she has picked in world will assist her with satisfying the fantasy about placing her art in record. Right now she’s exceptionally grateful for all the help of the local area who acknowledged her most memorable works in such a warm and invited manner.






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